Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Burnaby Mayor's 2011 State of the City address

Burnaby Mayor Derek Corrigan spoke at an event hosted by the Burnaby Board of Trade on Thursday April 7.  It may be the first mention by a member of City Council of the redevelopment of Brentwood Mall.  That the Mayor mentioned it suggests that the project is being actively pursued by the owners of Brentwood Mall.

In his speech, the Mayor mentioned the following in relation to Brentwood Town Centre:

Brentwood continues to accommodate much of the City's growth. Construction of the Millennium Skytrain Line included three town-centre stations that serve as the focus of transit-oriented development. The Brentwood Town Centre Development Plan recognizes and capitalizes upon this significant transportation corridor by designating its highest, most efficient land uses within walking distance of the stations.
Redevelopment interest in Brentwood remains strong, as indicated by several major development applications approved and advanced in 2010-2011. Among the largest of these projects is the Appia Developments application for the southwest corner of Lougheed and Willingdon. This project would include three high-rise residential towers with 644 units and a 324,000 square-foot, 12-storey commercial office and retail building. We are also looking forward to the new plans for Brentwood Mall that will fundamentally "re-shape" the key element in Brentwood Town Centre.

 The 17 acres of City-owned land near Still Creek Drive and Westminster Avenue is planned as the City's new centre of environmental excellence. The proposed facility will include an area where residents and businesses can dispose of recyclable and compostable materials and learn about how to make their community greener, healthier and less chemical dependent. Part of the site will be protected as a habitat zone for the Still Creek corridor. The centre will also have an operations component for the City's garbage, yard waste and recycling collection division as well as the parks maintenance and forestry services. The design of the facility will demonstrate environmental leadership, as it will focus on sustainability, energy efficiency, greenhouse gas reduction, water use efficiency, stormwater best management practices, environmental education, and use of recycled building materials.

Read more: http://www.burnabynow.com/Mayor+gives+2011+State+City+address/4586451/story.html#ixzz1JJmpRLyS

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Brentwood Park Elementary Expansion

To make space for full-day kindergarten beginning in September, the construction of the new kindergarten space has begun on the eastern side of Brentwood Park Elementary School.  Work crews have laid the foundation for the new portables that will house the kindergarten classes.  Construction is scheduled for completion by this summer.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Brentwood Blossoms

Spring has arrived in Brentwood.